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The Ministry of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change (MELCC) granted financial assistance to Savaria Experts-Conseils for the realization of a demonstration project by in situ treatment using a medium based on activated charcoal. This financial assistance is granted under the InnovEnSol program.

The demonstration project will begin in the fall of 2020 and will run over three years, ending in 2023. Injection sessions are planned for the spring of 2021. As part of this project, numerous follow-ups and measurements will be carried out to document the performance of the in-situ technique. This technique has the advantage of being inexpensive and not using a mechanical and electrical system, thus facilitating its application. The project will decontaminate the soil under a building and aims to reduce monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from gasoline.

Our client will benefit from an innovative approach that will allow him to decontaminate his land at a lower cost. This technology will have a significant impact on landowners, who cannot currently consider decontamination work because of the costs associated with conventional rehabilitation.

We will keep you informed of developments as the project progresses. To be continued…




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